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Le Chat Mauve

3 ian. 2017

despre mersul in cerc, pe bicicleta - destinatie necunoscuta

Best car: BMW 3 series
Best book:  Sexualitate si societate. Istorie, religie si literatura, Oisteanu
Best gadget: Iphone 7
Best song: Oglinzi, OCS
Best movie: Passengers
Best gift: a watch
Best drink: cuba libre
Best pet: Zora (not mine, but best)
Best spent money: on a flight ticket
Best new shoes: sandale cu ciucuri
Best neighborhood: Titan spre Pantelimon
Best city: Iasi
Best accessory: a bagpack
Best sport: running
Best decision: give up the toxic things/people
Best feeling: high
Best experience: staring at a fire while high :)), eyes wide shut
Best show: la discoteca, ceva cu Stela
Best food: niste gogosi cu ciocolata de la Mega
Best wine: Sole rose, Recas (2011)
Best color: grey (de prin septembrie)

2017 new
change car :))) (almost happened in 2016, wouldn't want a redo)
learn how to play the piano/guitar
date THAT guy for a change!!
still keeping one: walk the walk, laugh, love, be happy and thankful

and listen to this guy, he has some points!