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Le Chat Mauve

29 ian. 2013

Nobody's future is a guarantee!

"-Love doesn't have a switch. You can't just expect to live side by side with her and not feel anything.
-Watch me."

What if you found out that tomorrow your life would come to an end?

What if all of the sudden all your dreams, plans and hopes about the future would come to a halt?

What would you say to those you love? What would you have done differently? What would you say to those you hate or hate you? What would you change? 

I read a really interesting peace of moral advice today, and to sum it up it was about us choosing wisely when it comes to important things in life. It was about really reflecting on what we make our priorities and how we build our future. Imagine life as a box and try to fill it with meaningful things, people, goals. Never lose site of what matters most, it might leave you with nothing but a box full of sand.

Take a pen and paper and try to answer my questions and then try to live according to your answers. Never losing track of what matters.

They say life's short, I believe life is as short as you make it. The time you choose to waste is a time you will never get back and it for sure shortens your life. Try to put a bit of order in the randomness that surrounds you and to focus. 
Oh and when you fill in that box, leave room for a couple of cups of coffee with friends.