I love the smell of freshly ground coffee, I love the taste of his lips, I love the way my hair smells like smoke when winter approaches, I love the smell of fresh soap, I love spring and how life seems to be bursting from all over, I love to watch the trees growing leaves, I love the way his skin smells when soaked in salty water and then burned by the sun.
I love how it feels to hold my cats when sad, I love his hands, I love the sound of sparrows in the morning, the first vacation morning, I love rain in the summer.
I love the passion in his eyes when talking about things that matter to him, I love the smell of freshly baked bread, I love flowers, the salty see air, the laziness of the sand.

I love writing with pencils, I love to cuddle into old and warm memories, honesty, I love how his smell lingers onto the sheets in the morning, I love Christmas and snow.
I love to walk barefooted in the grass and feel the dew on my skin, I love the stability and consistency he brings to my life, I love to swim, to read, to write, to play.
I love to be happy and to joke, I love to laugh, I love white cotton sheets, how clothes smell when dried in the cold, I love giving, math and questions.
I love the feeling I get right before falling asleep, I love ink, horses and stewed prunes.
And many more...