At some point in my life I started to see a pattern with a couple of numbers that kept following me. 4, 13 and 22. 13 was the first, before I was even born.
I was born on the 4th of August, that's 4.8 (where 8=4+4). Also 4 is the number of Time and it can be translated as 22(2+2=4). 22 is a Master Number. It does not always have positive influence or better yet it has negative influence. Furthermore, 13..1+3=4.
Now let's get back to my number pattern. I should have been born on the 13th of July (1+3+7=11, another Master Number). But my mother's pregnancy was a very complicated one, so I saw the light of day about 3 weeks later after 13 hours of labor.
Unfortunately I do not remember all of the 13 and 22 or 4 events in my life, but I managed to implant a few inside my head.
I met my first love on the 13th of July. He was born on the 6th of July. That's 13. My best friend from childhood was born on the 6th of July as well.
We broke up for a while and then got back together on the 22nd of July a few months later.
At some point, I moved to another city and lived at number 13 of a street, apartment 13. Then I moved to another place, apartment 4, 4th floor. Then I moved to another place, apartment 13, 4th floor.
At some point, almost all the guys I was dating were born on the 13th.
I was nicknamed 13.
Then there was the 22 thing. All major events in my life seem to be connected to this number. But it always has been frigging difficult with 22.
And then there's this feeling that I finally found my soul mate. It was the 4th of April! And even in this the 22 interfered.
A funny fact this year is that Earth's day is Monday, 04/22/13. I must say I am a bit excited about it.
They say that if you notice the patterns in the numbers around you, angels try to send you a message. Whenever major events take place in my life, I tend to see a weird yet intriguing pattern when I look at my watch. Thus I see hours like 13:13, 11:11, 21:21, 19:19, 17:17 and so on. But also 00:00, 22:00, 19:00, 18:01, 19:01, 09:00. You get the idea.
At first it tends to be interesting, but then it starts to give you bad dreams. I have to start reading Carl Jung one of these days.
Also, my Life Path number is 6, or 33. 33 is a newly considered Master Number as well.
For more info on Life Path numbers, go here.
[Another interesting reading might be this one, although I am a bit skeptic :) (it has nothing to do with numbers).]
At some point I tried to see how involved in things throughout mankind history number 7 actually is. I was 16. :)
Therefor I am number 4. A few facts about number 4 (2+2, 1+3):
Four is the smallest composite number, its proper divisors being 1 and 2. Four is also a highly composite number. The next highly composite number is 6. :)
Four is the second square number, the second centered triangular number.
4 is the smallest squared prime (p2) and the only even number in this form. It has an aliquot sum of 3 which is itself prime. The aliquot sequence of 4 has 4 members (4, 3, 1, 0) and is accordingly the first member of the 3-aliquot tree.
A number is a multiple of 4 if its last two digits are a multiple of 4. For example, 1092 is a multiple of 4 because 92 = 4×23.
Only one number has an aliquot sum of 4 and that is squared prime 9. (his Life Path number is 9)
The prime factorization of four is two times two.
Four is the smallest composite number that is equal to the sum of its prime factors. (As a consequence of this, it is the smallest Smith number). However, it is the largest (and only) composite number n for which
is false.
It is also a Motzkin number.
In bases 6 and 12, 4 is a 1-automorphic number.
In addition, 2 + 2 = 2 × 2 = 22 = 4.- source Wikipedia