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Le Chat Mauve

6 feb. 2013

The spam folder in our souls.

I stop and stare at our pictures over and over again. I have so many things I'd like to say but I feel it is forbidden.
I am incapable of enjoying simple things because there's no one to share them with. I've come to like the taste of my tears as they are so many...

Why isn't there a spam folder inside our souls? Before every thought or feeling we should have the option to send it to spam.
And then there's the night that allows us to dream. So intense and real at times. But in the end you wake up. And if you're lucky, you still remember it.

Last night I dreamed I was flying with you holding my hand. A feeling a million planets away. But then woke up and found myself facing the nothingness again.
This morning I sure searched for that spam folder in there.

Tomorrow I will have something optimistic to say as I feel I am letting my selfishness take over :)
Also, I feel that the place where my soul lives needs a very good interior decorator with a wide vision on the future.