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Le Chat Mauve

30 dec. 2015

unu' greu

Once Upon A Time A New Year

Best car: Volvo V40
Best book:  The hours (best secret santa)
Best gadget: router (house going 21st century...ish)
Best song: An eisai ena asteri - Nikos Vertis with Eyal Golan 
Best movie: Legend
Best gift: a t-shirt
Best drink: wine
Best pet: my Ms
Best spent money: on furniture
Best new shoes: silver stiletto
Best neighborhood: Hystria
Best city: Vama
Best accessory: bracelet
Best sport: swimming
Best decision: taking one
Best feeling: watching the sky barefooted
Best experience: wine with lemon
Best show: Ibrahim Maalouf
Best food: bors de peste cu sarmuzaki
Best wine: feteasca alba, Basilescu
Best color: grey

past 2015 not so new in review
change car - didn't, but fucked up the one I have
change country - does countryside count?
marry - :))) married me again
have kids - can't stop laughing

2016 new
change car again (or do the above and drive someone else's car, it's easier :)) )
clean and burn some karma
learn something new and challenging
visit old friends
get new habits

live happily no, walk the walk, live the life, share, cherish, love, be happy and thankful